Monday, February 25, 2013

"Before enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood, carrying water."

What's that supposed to mean? More importantly, what's it mean to you? Here's my take: There are things that we do in order to make our daily lives go. In addition to those things, we also work toward becoming something more. This might be improving our lives through faith, family, finance, fitness, following, freedom, friends, or fun (The "8 Fs" espoused by the LIFE Business). When we reach a plateau, or a peak, in one of these areas, we tend to want to sit back and relax. The fact is, even though we are on a higher plane, we still have to buy groceries, clean the litter box, wash the baby, and put gas in the car. Those things were the same before, and we must do them still. I've only been involved with the LIFE Business opportunity for a short while; about twelve months at this writing. I've been a student of the information, an attender of events, and a proud promoter of what we do. I've been waiting for my moment of enlightenment. I have every confidence that it will arrive. In the meantime, I'm chopping wood and carrying water. When I start to sense that higher development, I'll be chopping wood and carrying water. After I've reached my summit, I'll still need to chop wood and carry water.

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