Tuesday, March 12, 2013

YOU are your highest priority.

No, really.

Here's an excerpt from Arnie Warren's book The Great Connection which illustrates my point:

"You can never fully express yourself, never truly explore the outer edges of your talents, until you know what holds you back and what propels you forward." --pg. 162

I'm the project.  When I know about me and what I am, as well as what I am not, then I'm able to reach out and help others.

Have you ever seen a building under construction?  I mean where you drive past it regularly enough to pay attention to the progress.  At first, it's an empty pit in the ground.  Then some framework and structure is added, but it still isn't much use.  The inspector shows up and has a look, checks for structural integrity.  A lot of work has been done, but it ain't done.  After some time, walls and a roof are added.  The inspector tests the walls and goes up into the attic.  At this point, at least it provides shelter.  It isn't what it's going to be, but it is better than what it was.  As building continues, things like water and power and windows are added, and it becomes habitable.  Things like flooring and furnishings are added.  The inspector crawls through the entire building and finally signs off on the project.  Offices are populated by people who are now able to be productive inside the building.

The building was the project first.  After time and effort and money were put into getting the building ready, it could be put to use for the purpose for which it was designed: it provides a safe environment in which productivity can take place.  What used to be the project now makes other projects possible.

Find your building site, dig your foundation, put your structures in place, have the inspector visit regularly to ensure that progress is being made correctly in a way that won't be damaging later, and when you're ready, you're much more valuable than you were before.  You can't finish what you don't start, so get your priorities straight: YOU are the highest priority!

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